Telehealth can be an equally good option for receiving migraine care, and it’s generally more convenient. Some migraine treatment, however, requires an in-person appointment.

Telemedicine is a type of medical appointment that’s conducted remotely via the phone or internet. It may be an appropriate way to seek a doctor’s input for your migraine symptoms if you:

  • have limited mobility
  • live in a remote area
  • are too busy for an in-person appointment

Telemedicine may also go beyond direct appointments with your doctor. Additional medical services that are available virtually may fall under the umbrella of telehealth. These remote health services may include:

  • email communication between yourself, your healthcare team, and their offices
  • online tools that track and provide input on symptoms and other health factors
  • diagnostic tools
  • patient education
  • electronic prescriptions and refills

Make sure you prepare for a telemedicine appointment to get the most out of your time together.

You may find a telemedicine appointment to be the perfect fit for a migraine consultation. Often, migraine is diagnosed through a conversation with a primary care doctor, neurologist, or another specialist.

During the appointment, your list of symptoms, health history, and any other relevant information is all that’s needed. Your doctor can then ask questions about your symptoms and determine possible causes and treatments.

Many treatments for migraine can be administered remotely. Your doctor can prescribe medications or recommend lifestyle changes to manage your symptoms. They may also refer you to a migraine or headache specialist for further evaluation.

Telemedicine may offer you the chance to meet with a migraine specialist who lives outside your region.

Research on telemedicine and migraine shows that this form of treatment can encourage greater participation. One 2019 study found that more people attended follow-up appointments for migraine via telemedicine than those scheduled for in-person appointments.

There may be some limitations of telemedicine appointments:

  • Some healthcare professionals may not be set up for telemedicine and may be unable to offer this service.
  • You may not feel comfortable discussing your symptoms over the phone or on the internet.
  • Your symptoms may require a physical examination.
  • You may need testing or treatment that requires in-person appointments. Some migraine treatments must be administered by a healthcare professional, including eptinezumab (Vyepti), which is an intravenous transfusion, and onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) injections, which are typically given every 3 months.

You may be weighing whether it’s necessary to schedule an appointment with a doctor for your migraine symptoms. Talk with a doctor if:

  • you have regular migraine attacks with moderate to severe pain
  • in addition to the migraine attacks, you also have symptoms including nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity, or visual changes
  • your symptoms interfere with your daily activities
  • you experience symptoms weekly or more frequently
  • you need to take pain relievers for symptoms several times a week

Prepare for your telemedicine appointment to ensure that your time is well spent and that you convey all of your symptoms and concerns.

Write down your symptoms, current treatments, and any questions you have in advance. Your doctor may be curious about the severity of your symptoms, how often they occur, and how you manage them at home. Your doctor may also ask about your health and family history.

Follow-up telemedicine appointments can also require advance planning. Keep a record of symptoms that pop up, possible triggers for the symptoms, and your medication adherence. These notes ensure you get the most out of your telemedicine appointment.

At times, your medical needs may require an in-person appointment. Your doctor may want to evaluate your physical health with an in-person exam, lab tests, or other procedures.

Sometimes, your doctor may order an MRI or CT scan to find out more about your symptoms.

One common migraine treatment involves Botox. This requires regular injections at a doctor’s office.

Telemedicine can be very useful if you have migraine symptoms. You can share your symptoms and ask your doctor questions via the phone or the internet. These appointments can result in prescription treatments and other recommendations to manage your symptoms.

There may also be reasons an in-person appointment makes more sense for your symptoms. Your doctor may prefer an in-person appointment if they don’t offer telemedicine, if you require a physical exam or further testing, or if your treatment involves in-person administration.