Is It Dangerous to Get the Flu If You Have Asthma?
People with asthma have a higher risk of complications if they get the flu. The flu virus can cause...
Orgasm During Pregnancy: Why It’s Fine (and How It’s Different)
It’s generally safe to have an orgasm during pregnancy. A pregnancy orgasm may feel different during...
Disability Benefits and Asthma
Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that can make breathing difficult. If your asthma is severe...
Can Sex in the First Trimester Cause Miscarriage? Early Pregnancy Sex Questions
It is safe to have sex for the entire nine months of a typical pregnancy. If you have an underlying...
Your Guide to Asthma Attack First Aid
Asthma is an inflammatory condition that can cause your airways — including your throat and windpipe —...
Pregnancy Destroyed My Sex Life. Having a Baby Brought It Back
Everyone warned me that having sex would be impossible once the baby was home. But for me, that couldn’t...
4 Ways to Protect Your Lung Health with Asthma
Asthma can cause permanent changes to the function and structure of your lungs, particularly when it...
14 Remedies to Try for Colic
What causes colic in a baby has some explanations, but the cause isn’t exactly well understood. You can...
6 Adaptive Exercises for COPD
Making some simple tweaks to exercises like walking and cycling can help you do them more easily if you...
How to Safely Bring Down a Fever in a Baby
You may be able to reduce a fever in a baby more than 3 months old with remedies like a lukewarm bath or...