How Long Do Symptoms of Menopause Last?
Perimenopause symptoms may start up to 10 years before entering menopause. Upon entering the...
How to Handle Relationship Anxiety
Relationship anxiety refers to those feelings of worry, insecurity, and doubt that can pop up in a...
8 At-Home Tips for Coping with Vasomotor Symptoms in Menopause
Vasomotor symptoms (VMS) include hot flashes (or hot flushes) and night sweats. These sudden surges of...
Is Sex Important in a Relationship? 12 Things to Consider
Yes? No? Maybe? Is sex important in a romantic relationship? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to...
What to Know About Hormone Therapy for Menopause
The goal of hormone therapy is to manage the symptoms of menopause, not necessarily to restore or return...
How to Make the ‘Honeymoon Phase’ Last Throughout Your Relationship
The “honeymoon phase” is often spoken about as the most exciting time of any relationship. But it...
What Are the Benefits and Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause?
Hormone therapy comes with risks and is generally not recommended for women over 60. However, for those...
64 Flirty, Dirty, and Ultimately Revealing Questions to Ask Your Partner
If the dirty questions you’re asking your boo don’t go beyond “Babe, when was the last time you...
An Overview of Treatments for Menopause Symptoms
Many treatments can help manage menopause symptoms, including prescription medications, alternative...
The 7 Most Common Sexual Fantasies and What to Do About Them
Sexual fantasies are a normal part of life. Some may be hot only as fantasy. Others might be things you...