Why You Puke (or Want to Puke) During a Migraine
Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of a migraine attack. Nausea and vomiting can occur before,...
10 Common Causes of Red Spots on the Skin
There are many reasons red spots form on the skin, so it can be hard to tell exactly what the underlying...
Your FAQs Answered: Can Music and Binaural Beats Provide Migraine Relief?
Many people with migraine experience sound sensitivity during or before an episode. Most people, in...
Top Treatments and Natural Options for Scar Removal
Medical treatments, like laser therapy or topical ointments, may help reduce the appearance of scars,...
Is There Such a Thing as a ‘Migraine Brain’?
Some small studies have suggested that people with migraine may have some detectable brain differences...
How to Do a Skin Care Self-Exam
Skin care self-exams are an easy and effective way to identify skin cancer before it grows and becomes...
Relief from Chronic Migraine: Current and Emerging Treatments
Treatments for chronic migraine focus on easing symptoms during a migraine episode and preventing...
How to Treat Acne with Benzoyl Peroxide
What is benzoyl peroxide? Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known ingredient for fighting acne. Available in...
Is Chronic Migraine Affecting Your Mental Well-Being? A Self-Assessment
Answer these questions to determine whether it may be a good idea for you to speak up at your next...
How to Get Rid of Redness from Pimples and Acne
You may be able to reduce redness and inflammation from acne by choosing certain skin care products,...