How Menopause and Sleep Quality Can Impact Migraine Symptoms
Share on PinterestResearchers say migraine symptoms can increase during menopause. Getty Images...
Pilates for Migraine: Does It Work?
More research needs to be done on the effects of Pilates on migraine. However, all forms of exercise can...
Does Biofeedback Treat Migraine?
Biofeedback is a relaxation-based treatment method that research has found may reduce both symptoms and...
Minerals, Vitamins, and Supplements for Migraine Relief
Certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and nutrients may offer health benefits for people with migraine. You...
What to Drink for Headache and Migraine Relief
Dietary and lifestyle changes are important to finding migraine and headache relief. Drinks like green...
How to Follow a Vestibular Migraine Diet
This article explains how diet may affect vestibular migraine and provides a guide for dietary changes...
CBD Oil for Migraine: Does It Work?
Traditional treatments for migraine include over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications,...
Does Butterbur Prevent Migraine Attacks?
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) is an herb that may help treat migraine attacks. We examine the safety of...
Best Lightbulbs to Buy When You Have Chronic Migraine
Chronic migraine is a neurological condition where people can experience severe headaches, sound...
Located in the middle ear, the stapes is the smallest bone in the human body. Damage to this bone may...