6 Benefits of Trying a New Psoriasis Treatment
The psoriasis treatment that works for you initially may not continue working long term. Some benefits...
Where Can Psoriasis Appear on the Body?
Psoriasis is characterized by raised areas of inflamed skin and can develop just about anywhere on the...
How Does Psoriasis Progress?
Psoriasis symptoms may become more severe over time. You may also develop symptoms of inflammation in...
5 Things I’ve Learned Since My Psoriasis Diagnosis
Alisha Bridges is a media and marketing professional and a patient advocate for people with psoriasis....
Psoriasis: Facts, Statistics, and You
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated condition often marked by thick red patches with silvery scales on the...
Mental Health Spotlight: Coming to Terms with Your Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological condition that affects the central nervous system. It...
7 Self-Care Tips for Multiple Sclerosis
MS can be an unpredictable disease, ranging in severity. While there’s no known cure, MS self-care can...
The Benefits of a Service Dog When You Have MS
If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), you may qualify for a service dog if you meet the requirements of...
Can the Ketogenic Diet Treat MS?
The ketogenic diet may help relieve inflammation people with MS may experience. It’s a low carb diet...
Wahls, Swank, Paleo, and Other Diets to Try If You Have MS
Switching your diet to avoid or incorporate certain foods may help with your MS symptoms. However,...