Breast cancer and breast cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and hormone therapies, can contribute to fatigue. Some ways to manage it can include getting aerobic exercise, practicing mindfulness, and eating a balanced diet.

Fatigue is a common symptom of breast cancer and one of the most common side effects of breast cancer treatment. Studies suggest that 62% to 85% of people undergoing cancer treatment report having cancer-related fatigue.

Those with breast cancer may be most affected by fatigue in the first 6 months following their diagnosis, reports a 2020 study. This is typically when treatment is most intense. However, fatigue can often persist for many months following treatment.

Working closely with your cancer care team can help you create a plan to tackle fatigue. Keep reading to learn more about ways you can manage your fatigue.

Exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you’re already exhausted. But physical activity is one of the best ways to boost your mood and reduce fatigue over time.

The American Cancer Society recommends that people with cancer start slow and build up activity with time.

The goal is to add in exercise until you reach at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activities each week.

In one 2022 review of studies, researchers found that yoga and aerobic resistance exercise greatly improved cancer-related fatigue.

In a small 2020 study, women with breast cancer fatigue underwent a 4-week physical exercise rehabilitation program. Researchers found that their fatigue levels significantly decreased after the program ended.

How to get started

There’s no need to run a marathon. Some forms of gentle physical activity to consider include:

Stress and anxiety can contribute to fatigue. Seeking support from your community is essential in managing your emotional well-being.

Community support, also known as peer-to-peer support, allows you to exchange information with others who are going through similar experiences.

There are many options available, from in-person support groups to virtual forums. The American Cancer Society’s Reach to Recovery program is a good place to get connected.


If you’re looking to connect with other people with your condition, resources like Healthline’s Bezzy Breast Cancer offer an online safe space for community, peer and expert guidance, and support.

Tackling a large task all at once can be daunting when you’re feeling fatigued. Instead, try to break up large tasks, such as cleaning or cooking, into smaller, more manageable parts.

For example, you may decide to clean one room and take a break instead of trying to clean your entire living space at once.

This can help you pace yourself better so your energy lasts throughout the day. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Research suggests that acupuncture may improve cancer-related fatigue.

Talk with your doctor first to make sure acupuncture is safe for you. You may also want to reach out to your insurance company to find out whether acupuncture is covered.

Only work with a certified and licensed acupuncturist. You can ask your cancer care team for a referral, or look online for certified acupuncturists in your area.

Mindfulness techniques, including yoga and meditation, are practices that help direct your attention to the present moment.

These approaches may help you:

  • manage your emotions
  • become less reactive
  • respond better to stressful situations

In a 2021 review of studies, researchers found that people with breast cancer who participated in mindfulness-based stress reduction interventions reported reductions in fatigue. They also experienced short-term reductions in depression and stress.

You can do a guided meditation using an app, or can you try to sit quietly and clear your mind on your own.

You can also participate in yoga classes at a gym or studio. Make sure to look for gentle and restorative yoga classes rather than more advanced Vinyasa practices.

You can also find many yoga videos online or through various apps.

Other side effects of breast cancer treatment can also contribute to fatigue. Nausea and vomiting, for example, usually means you’re not able to eat enough food to keep your energy up.

Chemotherapy can cause anemia, or a low red blood cell count, and lead to fatigue.

Ask your doctor about which treatments are available to manage the side effects of breast cancer therapy.

Eating well is important for everyone but is certainly easier said than done.

There’s no specific diet recommended for people with breast cancer, as nutritional needs vary based on your individual case.

In general, you’ll want to aim for whole, nutrient-dense foods, such as:

It’s also important to stay hydrated and drink water, especially while undergoing treatment.

You may also consider meeting with a nutritionist or dietitian who specializes in creating meal plans for people with cancer.

Fatigue is common in people with breast cancer. It can occur before, during, and after treatment. If fatigue is having a big impact on your mental and physical health, consider reaching out for support.

Some things you can do to manage fatigue include incorporating aerobic exercise, eating a balanced diet, and practicing mindfulness. It’s important to talk with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Additionally, consider asking for help from friends or family, joining a support group, or asking your doctor about complementary and alternative therapies to manage fatigue.