June 24, 2015. This was the exact day that my husband and I decided we were ready to have a baby. We’d been married for just over a year, we’d just gotten a puppy which made us parenting pros already, and we had both just turned 30. Bringing a baby into the equation was the natural next step in this life we were building.

I just knew we’d be the “got it on the first try” kind of couple. I was sure I saw signs of pregnancy just 7 days after the baby-making adventures began (“My boobs hurt, honey!”). I ordered a “Baby on Board” sticker for our car because that’s what parents do, right? We were pregnant!

But we were nowhere close. That sticker would collect dust for another 3 years.

We spent that time in and out of doctors’ offices, undergoing surgeries to help our chances, getting pricked and prodded, then more needles while going through IVF. I was spread eagle in a doctor’s chair more times than I’d like to remember.

We cried so much. We felt alone. We needed support. We needed a damn vacation. If this was any glimpse into what parenthood was going to be like, then sh*t, what were we signing up for?

Little did I know, this was exactly what parenthood was going to be like in those early days: I cried, I stayed up late with my husband googling “will we ever sleep again?” and I rallied a village to help me. And yes, I took a vacation (going to the bathroom in peace and quiet counts).

But hey, that’s only part of it. The rest of it is pretty special.

June 14, 2018. We found out just how special it can be. Our struggles with infertility proved to be worth it when our baby boy was born. It’s hard to explain the feeling, but it’s one that never leaves me as a parent, no matter how messy things get. Both literally, when he pees on me but he’s so cute I don’t care, and figuratively because we’re just trying to stay above water and figure it out as we go.

Here’s the thing: Aren’t we all just trying to figure it out as we go? If you have all the answers — and better yet, if you don’t — please slide into the DMs @HLParenthood and tell me everything.

But if you’re here because you need that support and a bigger village on this incredibly wild, exhausting, fulfilling journey (read: all of us), then you’ve come to the right place.

My fertility journey was the thing no one prepared me for. It was this world-rocking experience that made me wonder why there weren’t countless books and websites to get me through.

I’m not just talking about logistics. I was looking for the sites to support my sanity, well-being, and strength through those logistics, which took a major hit. Where were those resources?

What we’ve quickly learned through our research is that everyone’s got a thing — and most of us don’t see it coming. But we can be better equipped and prepared with the right information, the stories from parents who’ve been there, and the support for whatever curveballs get thrown our way.

This is why I’m proud to create the content that I wish existed when I was fighting all odds to have a baby. I’m proud to produce the articles that I wished I had to read after my son got here because those early newborn days are tough — and we should talk about that more. I’m proud to share the stories that talk to you about your thing.

I’m so pumped to welcome you to Parenthood. The newest brand from Healthline focuses on your life and your well-being through the lens of becoming a parent. Your identity changes, but you don’t need to lose it.

The answers and information you’ll find here lead with guidance and empathy — never fear. Every single article you read is fact-checked or medically reviewed so you won’t be getting any BS.

Are you just starting to try for your first child? We have tips to increase your chances. Struggling with infertility? Here’s a story to keep you going.

Expecting a baby and feeling anxious? This story will help. Wondering if your pregnancy symptoms are normal? These real moms might put you at ease.

Have a newborn at home and are overwhelmed by everything that needs to go into your own postpartum care? We’ve got you covered. And since all of us could use a good laugh, we have plenty of that too.

October 16, 2019. Welcome to Parenthood. This is where your well-being comes first. Because when you take care of you, you can take better care of them. We’re happy you’re here.

Jamie Webber
Senior Editor, Parenthood