Pilates is one type of low impact exercise that may benefit your bone health, strength, and mobility as you get older. It can even improve your posture, memory, and mood. Read on for more benefits of Pilates.

Pilates is a full-body, low impact method known to align and strengthen the structure of the body.

Regardless of your age, conditioning, or ability, it’s never too late to start a Pilates practice. Pilates can meet you where you are in skill and strength and support your livelihood for years to come.

Pilates practice can have tremendous benefits at various stages of life.

Consult a doctor before embarking on any exercise program, and it’s best to work one-on-one with a qualified instructor or in a specialized class if you have any existing health concerns.

1. Improves bone density

Maintaining bone density as you get older is important for counteracting osteopenia and osteoporosis. Increasing bone density through weight-bearing exercise is key to slowing bone deterioration.

A 2021 research review suggests Pilates doesn’t worsen bone mineral density during postmenopausal years, which is when it would typically decline.

If maintaining bone density is one of your goals, try Pilates on the apparatus.

Unlike Pilates mat work, exercises performed on the Reformer and Tower (or Cadillac) use spring resistance as “weights.” This type of weight-bearing Pilates is likely better for improving bone density than mat work alone.

2. Improves posture

Loss of bone density may contribute to misalignment and slouching. But slouching also contributes to compression of your joints and organs as you get older and tight and imbalanced muscles, often resulting in pain.

Pilates focuses on aligning and balancing your body with an emphasis on creating ease and mobility through your joints.

The combination of strength and suppleness in your muscles, along with a deeper awareness of alignment, often results in better posture.

3. Improves balance and gait

Balance and coordination are necessary for everyday activities. People often experience changes in gait patterns as they get older.

Pilates may improve balance and gait through specific balance training and strengthening of the trunk and hips, as well as the feet and ankles.

A good Pilates program will build strength and stability and improve balance, decreasing the risk of falls and fractures. It’ll also help you develop better habits, such as learning how to carry and pick up objects or get up and down from sitting.

4. Improves mobility

Mobility is the balance of strength and flexibility that allows for a full, controlled range of motion.

Strength alone can leave you tight and stiff and prone to injury. Flexibility alone can leave the aging body unsupported, weak, and also prone to injury.

A 2022 study indicates that six weeks of Pilates may be ideal for improving the mobility and functional mobility of older adults. This allows for ease of movement in everyday activities and a lower fall risk.

5. Improves mood

Pilates is a mindful practice based on the principle of breath with movement. Focusing inward and breathing builds self-awareness and calms the nervous system.

A 2018 analysis suggests that Pilates may improve mental health, namely anxiety and depression.

One 2022 research review notes that Pilates — more than the other forms of exercise included in the review — may offer psychosocial benefits for older adults when performed in a group setting.

6. Improves cognitive function

A 2022 study shows that a twice-a-week Pilates program for 12 weeks may improve cognitive function, including memory.

This study specifically looked at how a Pilates program affected the cognitive functional performance of 47 women who had missed their periods for at least 12 months. The women showed improved immediate and evocation (“calling forth”) memory.

7. Decreases back pain

Pilates targets your core, a supple brace that houses, lifts, and supports your organs and spine. A strong core better supports your back.

In a 2019 study, participants reported improvements in chronic lower back pain when practicing Pilates, in some cases after just 3 months.

8. Boosts immunity

Studies have shown that Pilates may help with immunity, especially among older adults.

One 2020 study of men over the age of 65 years found significant improvements in immune system function after 12 weeks of Pilates.

9. Prevents injury

Pilates prepares your body for everyday activities that require strength and mobility. It pays significant attention to joint support and stability — and learning to move with that in mind makes you less susceptible to injury.

Self-awareness and a deeper connection to your body may also heighten proprioception, helping you become more mindful of how you move through space.

Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program, and if possible, start with one-on-one sessions. Individualized sessions with a qualified Pilates instructor can help you confidently learn the fundamentals and make modifications.

Alternatively, numerous Pilates groups led by specially trained instructors are geared toward active older adults. Plenty of safe and bone-building Pilates modifications are available.

Some signature Pilates exercises are not recommended for anyone with low bone density or osteoporosis. You should avoid:

  • excessive twisting
  • flexion (think of a typical crunch)
  • loaded flexion, like rolling in a curved position on your back

And if bone density is a concern, try to avoid traditional Pilates exercises such as:

  • Rolling Like a Ball
  • Jackknife
  • Roll Over

A chair is a perfect prop for helping you lower yourself to the ground or supporting your balance when standing. If neither of these options is suitable right now, you can still benefit from a chair Pilates. A chair:

  • provides feedback and proprioception of where your pelvis and spine are in space
  • helps you find the ideal length and posture without doing fully weight-bearing exercises
  • strengthens the core

Plus, chair Pilates allows you to get a workout in if you don’t have much space or are working at a desk. Chair Pilates teaches you to develop better habits for getting up and down from a:

  • chair
  • bench
  • car seat
  • other seated positions

A consistent and mindful exercise practice is essential to maintaining quality of life as you get older.

Pilates, with its variety and modifications, is a low impact exercise suitable for older adults. The medical community backs numerous Pilates programs, which are bone-safe and geared toward older adults.

Pilates meets you where you’re at and builds strength, confidence, and mobility. Like other forms of exercise, pilates also produces feel-good endorphins, leading to a more energetic mood to keep you performing at your best.

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