8 Best Hearing Aids
Table Of Content
- Quick look at the best hearing aids
- Pricing guide
- Healthline’s picks for best hearing aids
- Best prescription hearing aid
- Phonak Bolero Marvel Hearing Aid
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best invisible hearing aid
- Phonak Lyric Hearing Aid
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best battery life
- Signia Pure Charge&Go AX
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best for severe to profound hearing loss
- Oticon Xceed Hearing Aid
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best hearing aid for tinnitus
- Oticon More Hearing Aids
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best for one-sided-hearing loss
- Signia Silk X Hearing Aid
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Best over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aid
- Jabra Enhance Select 300
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Most comfortable OTC hearing aid
- Bose Lexie B1 OTC Hearing Aid
- Healthline’s review
- Pros & cons
- Product details
- Style of hearing aids
- Hearing aids compared
- Hearing aids: Key factors
- Level of hearing loss
- Prescription vs. OTC hearing aids
- Other factors
- How we chose the best hearing aids
- What to consider before buying hearing aids
- How to care for your hearing aids
- Frequently asked questions
- What are the best hearing aid companies?
- What is the easiest hearing aid to use?
- Which are the best hearing aids on the market?
- Do more expensive hearing aids work better?
- Takeaway
We asked a medical expert what to consider when starting your search for hearing aids.
From rechargeable hearing aid units and hearing aids that let you enhance the sound of live music, to pairs that are nearly invisible and those that celebrate your favorite color, you have options.
We’ll explain the main features of hearing aids and how an audiologist can guide you to the right pair for your needs. Plus, we give you our picks for prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids offering the best quality for the price.
Pricing guide
Hearing aid prices can vary significantly, from retailer to retailer and among over-the-counter (OTC) products — priced between a few hundred to a few thousand dollars — and prescription devices, which start around $2,000 and can cost up to $6,000 a pair.
Sometimes hearing aids are bundled with additional services, such as follow-up visits and hearing aid maintenance.
Prices are estimated as follows:
- $ = under $1,000
- $$ = $1,000–$3,000
- $$$ = $3,001-5,000
- $$$ = over $5,000
Style of hearing aids
Here are common acronyms for the five style types of hearing aids:
- Behind-the-ear (BTE): This type is worn behind or on top of the outer ear.
- In-the-ear (ITE): These are worn in the ear canal.
- Receiver-in-the ear (RITE)/receiver-in-canal (RIC): The components are placed in and behind the ear.
- Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC): This type fits deeply inside the ear canal and is virtually invisible.
- Completely-in-the-canal (CIC): This is worn within the ear.
$$ – $$$$
$$ – $$$
Rx=prescription, OTC=over the counter
Numerous factors influence which hearing aids best suit your needs. Here are a few important ones to keep in mind.
Level of hearing loss
“Degree of hearing loss, type of hearing loss, and configuration of hearing loss all contribute to a final hearing care plan, including the recommendation of devices if appropriate,” said Dr. Catherine Palmer, director of audiology at the University of Pittsburg Medical Center.
The American Academy of Audiology stresses the need for consumers to receive a comprehensive audiological assessment before buying hearing aids. This will also help determine if underlying factors, such as taking ototoxic medications or conditions like ear infections, may be causing your hearing loss.
Prescription vs. OTC hearing aids
Prescription hearing aids include customization for your particular hearing needs and ear shape and ongoing care from a hearing specialist. This ensures regular assessments of your hearing and adjustments to your hearing aids as needed.
“What matters is how the hearing aids are programmed for the individual,” Palmer said. “There are some differences between levels of technology and manufacturers for specific signal processing and features. The audiologist keeps up with all of this — it changes all the time — and makes sure they are selecting the right combination of features and signal processing and tuning them correctly for the individual.”
Prescription hearing aids can also cost thousands of dollars. Original Medicare and many other health insurance plans don’t cover the cost of hearing aids. Plans that do provide coverage often have high copays or high deductibles. Some FSA and HSA plans can help cover costs.
OTC hearing aids are designed for mild to moderate hearing loss, and they don’t come with in-person, ongoing care. However, they’re typically less expensive than prescription hearing aids, which can be a big plus. There are online hearing tests available to help guide your choice in OTC hearing aids, although they’re not as accurate or comprehensive as what you’d receive in person with a hearing specialist.
Other factors
Within both categories are rechargeable hearing aids and those running on disposable batteries. Your ability to handle small batteries and other hearing aid components will matter in this regard. If you have arthritis that affects your hands, the Arthritis Foundation provides an ease-of-use product list that includes disposable hearing aid batteries with easy-to-handle tabs.
Different hearing aids also have different enhancements and options, from noise cancellation and Bluetooth connectivity to special settings for being outdoors or listening to live music. There is also a range of technological support packages available, from minimal to having online help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
At the end of the day, using your hearing aids once you get them is what matters most — even when it means going through an adjustment period. “Hearing aids need to be worn full time, all waking hours, to provide maximum benefit,” Palmer said. “It takes about 3 weeks of full-time use for the brain to adjust [to hearing aids]. The individual cannot adapt to the sounds if they are not exposed to them, so full-time use is essential.”
For this roundup, we vetted 16 hearing aid brands and products that licensed hearing professionals consistently recommend to their patients. The products featured here also meet criteria approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
We analyzed each brand’s best practices to ensure that their products meet industry standards for efficacy and customer service satisfaction. We also examined the companies’ reputations to see if changes were made to remedy past offenses.
In addition, we read scores of online consumer reviews and only chose products that consistently get more positive than negative comments.
Most of the hearing aids on this list come with financing options, a manufacturer’s warranty, and a 30-day or greater risk-free trial.
We also looked at a wide range of features that are important to consumers, including:
- invisibility, or being discreet to wear
- Bluetooth connectivity
- ease of use
- adaptive noise reduction
- tinnitus relief
- custom fit options
- price
- ability to recharge
Your first step when beginning your hearing aid exploration should be to speak with an auditory specialist who can assess your situation, Palmer said. “Each person has a unique hearing loss and unique ear canal characteristics.”
She recommends finding someone who works with all the major hearing aid manufacturers to help find the right technology for your needs.
Other factors to keep in mind when considering hearing aids include:
- your budget
- cost add-ons you may or may not want, like app connectivity and Bluetooth streaming
- your hand dexterity and ability to handle small components
- money-back guarantees and risk-free trial periods that provide for an adjustment period
- warranty and insurance options that protect you from loss or damage
- how noticeable you want your hearing aids to be
Research published by the American Auditory Society found that younger people tend to overestimate their level of hearing loss, while older people tend to underestimate it. Getting the wrong hearing aids can lead to frustration and increased isolation levels.
How to care for your hearing aids
Hearing aids are sophisticated technological equipment. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, they must be cleaned regularly. Many hearing aids come with wax guards designed for this purpose.
To prolong the life of your hearing aids and avoid damage, follow these additional tips:
- keep them away from heat and moisture
- remove and replace dead batteries immediately
- don’t immerse your hearing aids in water, unless they’re approved for this purpose
- avoid getting hair products on your hearing aids
- handle with care — avoid dropping
There are many reputable, high quality hearing aid companies. They include Phonak, Oticon, ReSound, Starkey, Widex, Jabra, Miracle Ear, and Signia, among others. There are others, and this isn’t an exhaustive list.
“All of the hearing aid manufacturers make excellent products,”said Dr. Catherine Palmer, director of audiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
She recommends going to an audiologist who works with all major brands to ensure you get the right match for your needs.
Additionally, when considering hearing aid brands, you might also consider things like available support, warranty, and insurance options that protect you from loss or damage to your hearing aids.
Ease of use is determined by many factors, including technological comfort, type of battery, and ability to quickly alter or change program settings.
Many people find that the Phonak Lyric is the easiest hearing aid to use, since it’s inserted into the ear by a hearing professional, and left there for many months.
Others prefer a hands-on approach, and the ability to fine-tune their hearing aids either through an app or through their devices.
There are many comparable hearing aids. For this roundup, we chose the Phonak Bolero Marvel because its sound quality is considered superior by many users.
Hearing aids can top $8,000 per pair. The most expensive hearing aids may, in some instances, produce better sound with less noise or interference. They may also include special features, or a smaller size.
But you can still get excellent, comparable sound quality from hearing aids that are much less expensive.
About 37.5 million adults in the United States have hearing loss and would benefit from wearing hearing aids.
Getting fitted for hearing aids to make sure they fit properly, are comfortable, and match your preferred style is important. But the price and cost of meeting with a professional may be outside of your budget at the moment.
In that case, OTC alternatives, while not specifically tailored to your needs, may be a more budget-friendly alternative.