The psoriasis treatment that works for you initially may not continue working long term. Some benefits of trying a new treatment can include improved skin clearance, fewer side effects, and saving money.

When it comes to treating psoriasis, there are many options:

  • Topicals: These include creams, lotions, and ointments that are applied directly to psoriasis lesions.
  • Light therapy: This can be used to help clear large areas of psoriasis.
  • Systemic medications: These include oral or injectable drugs that suppress your immune system to lower inflammation throughout the body.
  • Biologic medications: These are newer injectable or infused drugs that target the source of inflammation contributing to psoriasis.

Everyone responds differently to each of these options. Finding the right treatment plan can take some trial and error. Some people see significant improvement with the first treatment they try, while others need to try a few options to find what works best.

Additionally, you may have to reevaluate your treatment a few times throughout the years if you notice new or worsening symptoms and flares.

If you’re interested in switching treatments, talk with your dermatologist. They can help you decide whether a new treatment is right for you and help you transition smoothly from one medication to another.

Keep reading to learn about the reasons you may consider trying a new psoriasis treatment.

There’s nothing more frustrating than following your treatment plan and still having psoriasis flares. If you’re not happy with the way your skin looks, it might be time to consider switching — especially if you’ve been taking an older drug.

If you still experience large areas of psoriasis while on your current treatment, switching to a new drug could result in clearer skin.

Research has shown that people living with psoriasis who changed medications experienced better outcomes. One 2018 study found that participants who switched to a new biologic reduced their Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score over 3 years.

PASI is the tool dermatologists use to determine the severity of psoriasis and whether treatments are helping.

However, this study only looked at the switch to one specific biologic, adalimumab. More studies are needed to look at a wider range of medications.

Each psoriasis treatment has potential side effects. For example, light therapy may increase your risk of skin cancer. Some biologic drugs may increase your risk of infection.

Specific drugs within each class can have their unique side effects, too.

For example, in the biologic class, infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira) may be more likely to cause weight gain than other options, such as ustekinumab (Stelara).

Switching to a medication that does not cause side effects for you could make it easier to stick with your treatment plan. When you do change medications, go over their list of potential side effects with a doctor so you’ll know what to expect.

Some psoriasis drugs work better for some people than for others.

For example, people with overweight or obesity may notice better results with infliximab (Remicade) or ustekinumab (Stelara) than other biologics because the dosing of these drugs is based on weight.

Factors such as your sex, weight, and medical history can help direct your doctor to the correct treatment for you.

Psoriasis treatments come in different forms. Some delivery methods might be a better fit for you than others.

Topicals like lotions and creams are easy to use. But they also can be greasy, time consuming to apply, and leave stains on your clothes.

Oral options are less messy, but you have to remember to take every dose.

Biologics offer the convenience of only having to take them every few weeks. The downside is that you’ll either have to visit an infusion center or get an injection. If you’re not a fan of needles, biologics may not be the best choice for you.

Ultimately, the psoriasis medication that works best for you is the one you’re most likely to take as prescribed.

Biologic drugs are effective, but they’re also expensive. They can cost tens of thousands of dollars a year. Even if you have good health insurance, the out-of-pocket costs could be a lot.

One way to save money is by switching to a biosimilar drug. As their name suggests, biosimilars are designed to work similarly to biologics, but they’re less expensive.

Another option is to switch to a biologic from a drug company that offers financial assistance. Some companies provide discount cards or copay assistance to help you afford your medication.

The underlying inflammation from psoriasis can also damage your heart and blood vessels, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Systemic medications and biologic drugs clear skin and may also help reduce the risk of heart problems. More research is needed to understand the relationship between these medications and cardiovascular health.

About 30% of people with psoriasis eventually develop psoriatic arthritis. Taking a biologic drug long term can help delay or prevent the development of psoriatic arthritis.

Talk with your dermatologist if you think you may benefit from a treatment change. Don’t stop or start taking any medications without checking in with them first. Going off your current medication regimen on your own could lead to a psoriasis flare.

Keep in mind that even if you do switch treatments, the new drug isn’t guaranteed to work better. It may not clear your skin completely, or it could lead to more side effects.

It can take some trial and error to find the psoriasis treatment that gives you the right balance of skin clearance, convenience, and comfort.

If your current psoriasis treatment isn’t working well or as well as it used to, it may be time to consider making a change.

Talk with a doctor or dermatologist to determine which option to try and the steps to take to make a smooth treatment transition.