How to be more attractive man
How to be more attractive man: It’s a big, old mystery that many a man has been trying to solve for decades: how to impress women. Over the years, we’ve seen countless hacks on how to look more attractive to women. From the kinds of clothes you wear to the shape of your face to your personal hygiene habits, there’s a ton of stuff you can do to make yourself more attractive.But it turns out, that’s probably not the biggest thing keeping you from getting laid.
You can be the man that will make her feel good when you walk into the room.
Let’s see how we can do that. Here are the commandments:
Be Realistic: the woman wants to be happy with who you are. Do not give her a false perception of who you are. Be honest with your preferences and who you really are as a man.
Put a good foot forward: which do you like most? Pick an attribute that is good for you and she will think you are better than before.
Be Pleasant: Your friends, colleagues and women can sense your level of authenticity and eager to show it to her.
Be patient: It will take time to woo a woman. You need to be patient with the process and this will be best achieved if you continue to follow all the commandments of masculinity.
Be reliable: this is important for women and is really a trait she desires in a man.
Avoid profanity: women can feel exposed and be offended if you swear a lot.
Don’t be stuck on what the women’s society dictates. Women’s society will tell you that your way of being a man is wrong, but the Bible tells us to be the one who she sees is God.
In the end, the woman is the one who should choose whether she likes you or not. Don’t get too deep into this issue. You must listen to her and believe in her, not on what the women’s society tells you.
According to researchers from North Carolina State University and Cornell University, “aggressiveness and humor have the greatest influence on women’s judgments of men’s desirability for marriage,” and these traits actually work better in men than they do in women.
The study, “Why Men’s Attitudes Matter,” was recently published in the journal Psychological Science.
The researchers analyzed 7,555 online conversations between heterosexual women and men in the U.S. between 2013 and 2014. Some of the men were described as “real-life versus virtual,” meaning they were also interviewed by the women and judged more accurately.
“When women are talking about their virtual interactions with men, they always portray themselves in the best possible light,” the researchers wrote in their study. “However, when they engage in more intimate virtual interactions with men, they are prone to be critical of the men, which is likely to make them feel bad about themselves.”The women in the study were not aware the men had been rated by the women and they were also unaware they would later be rated by the men.
“These women are not being complacent, and this has a very real impact on how they view themselves and how they behave towards others,” University of Iowa sociologist Lisa Wade, who co-authored the study, told The Huffington Post. “We’re really trying to understand how our tendency to demonize male behavior can give rise to further social patterns that are damaging to women’s rights.”
The study also found that men in the virtual and more intimate relationships were more likely to deny emotional or physical intimacy with women. Men who were not in an intimate relationship were more likely to play along with the “make me feel special” idea and the men who said they had both virtual and real-life relationships with women were more likely to deny physical intimacy.
Surprisingly, Wade said, the study showed a very low amount of disconnect between the men who have virtual relationships and their real-life partners.
“Most people are aware of the ‘Groucho Marx effect’ where the man will say or do something and the woman will react and it will be ridiculous,” she told HuffPost. “But this study illustrates that we’re not aware of that. We are forming our opinions of people based on their virtual relationships.”
Wade said this isn’t the first time researchers have looked at how our actions online can influence our offline lives. She said she wanted to highlight the importance of being aware of our behaviors and choices in order to make the world a better place for everyone.
“We’ve seen a lot of studies that show that whenever we are more aware of our own behavior, we are more likely to adopt pro-social behaviors and to be more likely to adopt more nurturing behaviors,” Wade said. “On a positive note, I would argue that we have an opportunity to help further our careers by behaving in more positive ways online.”
Based on those conversations, the researchers created four descriptions of men’s personalities. They were “open,” “sociable,” “not very sociable,” and “very shy.”
Some of the women were then shown a picture of their partner’s profile. Some of the profiles were described as the “man’s personality,” and some as the woman’s personality.
“In our study, we found that ‘man personality’—rather than ‘woman personality’—matches women’s perceptions of desirability for marriage significantly more accurately than ‘woman personality’ does,” co-author Dr. Justin Lehmiller explained to the Washington Post. “This is consistent with the idea that for women, men’s personalities hold the most important truth about their suitability for marriage.”
The researchers also found that, overall, women were more attracted to men described as “sociable” than “anxious.” But that difference disappeared when it came to how confident and assertive men were.
The reason behind this is that the “most-attractive-for-marriage” men were rated as “confident and assertive.” Meanwhile, women responded to “anxious” men in the same way that women respond to men who are arrogant and possessive.
In another experiment, the researchers had women rate the personality of a man whose profile was described as having “high masculinity” or “high femininity.”
They found that a man who was described as “high masculinity” was rated as less marriageable. But the reason for that might have something to do with our expectations and goals as women.
“Women project both the traits they want in men and their goals for themselves onto men, and men project the traits they want in women onto women,” the study explains. “In other words, the original descriptions—‘manhood’ or ‘femininity’—predicted in women’s minds who was best suited to be a partner for good (the ‘high masculinity’ men) and who was best suited to be a partner for bad (the ‘low femininity’ men).”
So the study—and others like it—says that when women want to get married, their first instinct is to be attracted to confidence, intelligence, and competence. That’s not necessarily the trait that women are most attracted to when they’re on the prowl for a date.
“The results suggest that ‘manliness’ may not play as large a role in the desirability of a mate as we might expect,” the study states.
So, how should men try to increase their attractiveness? According to the study authors, they can be more “low-key,” “helpful,” “passive-aggressive,” and “flexible.”
And that’s not exactly what the girls say they want to find in a man. So, these researchers seem to have figured out a conundrum in the real world, but we’re still living out our fantasies in our imaginary one.