How to relieve back and neck pain
How to relieve back and neck pain : Back pain can be very painful, and so it’s important that you try some of the ideas listed below.
Make sure that you’re resting and exercising as needed. Try these painkillers before bed to help reduce the pain and swelling of muscles and joints.
Why is my back pain so bad?
Your posture is often to blame, especially if you spend your days sitting or working at a desk. Sitting in the same position for long periods can put a strain on your back, especially if you sit at a computer all day. Always try to stand up whenever you can, and stretch or walk around whenever you can.
No matter what kind of job you do, make sure you take regular breaks. Even if you’re a desk jockey, take at least 30-60 minutes out of every day for a walk or to stretch your legs.
Try and sit and stand with your feet wider than your hips to avoid leaning forward. Try to sit with your feet hip distance apart.
Don’t take painkillers that contain acetaminophen (aka paracetamol). This is because it can irritate your stomach lining, so try ibuprofen or aspirin instead.
To relieve inflammation, massage the back and stretch out your muscles. Massaging can increase blood flow, while stretching will increase flexibility and reduce pressure on the area. Try to always do these while on the toilet, as this makes them easier to do.
Find out about simple exercises you can do for a good back massage. You can do simple exercises for a back massage.
Frequently getting in and out of the bath or shower or lying down in one position can be very painful for your back, and it’s important that you gently use a walker or balance board to ease yourself in and out of the bath or shower.
Avoid bad posture. Keep your knees in close to your body, and lower your hips down as low as you can for the best hip alignment. If you’re lying down, make sure your head and shoulders are at a comfortable position to keep your back and neck from overexerting itself.
Seek out a chiropractor if the pain is not easing. You will usually need to visit your chiropractor for at least 6 months to a year for the best results.
Getting older
Getting older can also lead to back pain. So, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of back pain and if you’re worried, speak to a doctor straight away. The NHS website has lots of useful information on this topic.
Painful or burning sensation
Walking pain
Hunched posture
Sensitivity to movement
Backache can be difficult to treat, and often time is what is needed.
Back pain – 12 tips to beat back pain
Protect your spine
Drink lots of water
Do stretching exercises
Stretch after a meal
Use a walker or a balance board to get in and out of the bath
Try using massaging salts
Consider having a massage
Try a chiropractor
Tight underwear can put a strain on your spine. So, use looser-fitting underwear, especially if you’re sitting for long periods of time.
Most back pain is down to simple simple mistakes. So, it’s vital that you make sure you take extra care when lifting heavy items, especially if you do a lot of work with your back.
Know your limit
Spend less time hunched forward and more time back straight
Use the correct equipment
Take breaks if possible
Speak to a doctor
Avoid alcohol and drugs
Protect your back
Alcohol and drugs can only make back pain worse, so never take any if you have a backache. Try to avoid these as much as possible to reduce the pain.
Use pillows when sleeping to relieve back pain. You can use pillows to support your back, and if you’re feeling a lot of pain in the morning, try putting an ice pack on the lower part of your back and apply it with a hot water bottle.
Make sure that you’re getting enough rest at night to avoid sleeping on a sore back.
Try to sleep on your side if possible to prevent problems.
Talk to your GP
This section contains information on the types of pain that people should speak to their doctor about, and also gives the most common symptoms that they should seek medical attention for.
Know the symptoms of different types of back pain, and if you notice any symptoms, speak to a doctor. Here are some key symptoms to look out for.
Acute or sudden pain in one area
Pain or numbness in multiple areas
Numbness and weakness in your lower back
Nerve pain, especially in your buttocks or groin
Dizziness, vomiting, sweating, pain in your stomach
Fever, diarrhoea, and dizziness
Pain in the right side of your stomach
Shallow breathing, difficulty breathing and wheezing
Uncontrollable crying
Guided massage: This is a painless treatment for back pain. It is a kind of massage therapy where a therapist gently, but consistently applies pressure. This helps to stretch your muscles and help the nerves and tissues in your back to relax. There are three types of pressure used in a GMS:
One of the first things a therapist will ask you is to indicate where you are having pain. Usually this is your sacrum (also known as your tail bone). A great sign that you are having back pain is if the pain is located on your right side.
The next thing that a therapist will ask you to do is to lie flat on your back, with your feet up. Make sure that your spine is flat and straight, and if it isn’t, you can make sure to fold your knees. If the pain is in your back, your legs should be parallel with the floor.
Massage therapists will then move down your spine and follow the spine with their hands. A good starting point for your massage therapy is in the lower back where the pain is.
Massage therapist then proceeds to move towards the upper back, following the spine all the way down to your shoulder blades.
Then the therapist will massage your shoulders and the muscles around your neck.
After you’ve finished the massage, the therapist will always ask you to stretch out your back. This is done to help your body release your tensions and relax.
If you wish to learn more about this treatment, speak to your GP. The cost for GMS varies, and it will depend on the type of treatment you are seeking.
Opt for Sauna bathing for back pain
Sauna baths or sauna rooms are good for pain relief as they heat the body up and speed up the recovery process, both for joints and muscles. However, these are good to try if you have severe pain, such as when you have a bad back or have been through an injury.
Avoid paracetamol
Painkillers are a common way to treat back pain and are usually available from your local pharmacy. They are important in treating acute pain, however, they can be harmful in the long run. They have to be used for a short time in most cases, because they can reduce the body’s ability to deal with future pain. This can result in more pain.
Therefore, taking painkillers such as paracetamol for long periods of time can cause withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, weight loss, and constipation.
Give acupuncture a try
If you are not comfortable with the idea of a sharp needle in your back, you can also try acupuncture. The first step in this therapy is to sit comfortably in a relaxing position. This will allow your body to relax and the needles to enter your body.
Once your needles are in place, you’ll be asked to lie down for about ten minutes. This is the point when the needles stimulate the acupuncture points, and this can help you to relax. You’ll also feel a mild sting at points on the needles, which is known as pricking, but this shouldn’t last too long.
Then the therapist will treat you by placing light hand pressure on points on your body. They’ll also use warm or cool fluids. Each individual treatment will last about 20-30 minutes.
Many patients report reduced pain and muscle soreness with this type of therapy. But, bear in mind that acupuncture isn’t a permanent solution. It’s a useful way to treat acute pain, and it should be used in the short-term for acute pain.